Our Destination Manager Riva spent the end of 2012 exploring Ecuador and its Galapagos Islands. She came back with some National Geographic-worthy photos.
What sets SA Expeditions apart from the rest is that we don’t just talk about our destinations, we know our destinations. We recently reviewed 2012 with a map of where we’ve been, and we’re proud that our entire sales and marketing team has now visited the Galapagos Islands, giving us unique understanding about the best boats, itineraries, and planning methods for Galapagos tours and cruises.
We’re also happy to share from first-hand experience how truly remarkable the wildlife and landscape is. Below are some of our favorite photos from Riva’s time in the Galapagos:
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Flock of Flamingos

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Sea Turtle & Galapagos Odyssey

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Marine Iguanas and Shark

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Crabs Being Crabby

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Sea Lion “Plays” With Octopus

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Destination Expert Goes Kayaking

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Galapagos Giant Land Tortoise

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Baby Sea Lion, Posing for the Camera

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Flying Frigate

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Iguanas & Penguins & Crabs Sharing A Rock

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Flightless Cormorant Not Flying

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Marine Iguana Being Rude

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Blue Footed Boobie, Hanging Out

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Sea Turtle Not in the Sea

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Destination Expert "Working"

Thanks to Pedro Szekely for the title image of this blog.
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